Monday, November 30, 2009

Stick It

Hey, I just think... I am the world's most amazing blogger. I mean, I take a blogging hiatus which lasts, what, 2 months? 3 months? Then I announce that I am coming back, yet it takes me a WHOLE OTHER MONTH to post ANYTHING. I mean, at all. So, I was just going to post a quick "hi, ya'll" before possibly not posting again for a million years. I make no promises, though. After all, I am the world's most amazing blogger.

Enough sarcasm for today. Yesterday I went to see Julie & Julia. It was either that or 2012. Yup, completely different movies, just to show you how much my interests can vary. So, coincidentally, half of that movie is about blogging. She is an AMAZING blogger. I mean, seriously post something everyday. 

Other than that, it is a cool movie. Very cool movie. If you are not the 2012 kind of person, then go watch this.

BTW... I saw a group on Facebook the other day. It was called "On the year 2013, I will see 2012 and laugh."

Hey, who knows?

Okay, the real reason I'm posting here today is because I need to save a link, but I wasn't in the mood to send it to myself via Gmail. So I thought, why not make a blog post about it?

HERE is the link. HERE is a similar link


P.S. Yup, still my favorite blog. My nails might be black now instead of pink, and I might be listening to Metallica instead of Miley, but I still LOVE that blog.

I'm kidding, of course. I listen to Metallica and Miley.

Over and out, blogland.

P.S. For those of you who don't know why my title is so, I'll tell you... THIS movie. Rocks my socks.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Public Art

One things that never fail to inspire me are graffitis. In my opinion, they are not vandalism as long as they are not on private property. But when they are on public places, they are beauty. They add some sort of urban color to cities. I love, love, love them!

With that said... I am digging these graffiti inspired shoes. So cool...

Drool... me want!